Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I guess my hypothesis was proved wrong in this project. For whatever reason, the apple did not go bad after 21 days, but the applesauce got fermented and went really bad. So my conclusion to this experiment is: "Natural foods can last longer than processed foods."

Final Day-October 2, 2012

This is the pic from the last day.
As my photo documentary has come to an end, here is the last picture. The applesauce is fermented, smelly, and nasty. The apple is absolutely fine, and I will probably eat it.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 20-October 1, 2012

This is the second to last day and the applesauce is looking super nasty, but the apple is still fine.

Day 19-September 30, 2012

The sauce is super duper nasty, and the apple is fine.

Day 18-September 29, 2012

This is a close up pic from day 18. The apple looks so perfect and the applesauce looks nasty.

Day 17-September 28, 2012

The applesauce is so nasty. The apple is fine.

Day 16-September 27, 2012

The applesauce is super gross, and it just gets more gross. The apple is absolutely fine.

Day 15-September 26, 2012

The applesauce is so gross and fermented now. I hate having to get it out. The apple is fine.

Day 14-September 25, 2012

This is from Day 14.
The applesauce is super nasty and I hate the smell. The apple is fine.